Redesigning Carbon Debits' Digital Products

Client: Carbify

Requirement: In continuation of our ongoing collaboration with Carbify across various projects, our latest initiative involved designing a comprehensive business portal for their Carbon Debits division. This platform facilitates businesses in registering their companies, documenting carbon counts, and seamlessly generating certificates for carbon offsetting. Additionally, the portal features a dynamic map showcasing the locations of trees planted in association with specific certificates. Our team worked closely with Carbify to ensure an intuitive user interface, empowering businesses to efficiently manage their carbon-related activities.

Our Approach and Collaboration: 

A dedicated team consisting of a Software Project Manager and a UI/UX Designer was assigned to initiate the task. Upon completion of the dashboard redesign for Carbon Debits, our team proceeded to redesign and develop the Carbon Debits landing site. To accomplish this, we included one of our WordPress developers in the team. Design and development processes ran concurrently, utilizing tools such as Figma for design and WordPress for development

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